Heart defects as well as other serious side effects resulting from taking this drug are possible. There have been cases of fatalities associated with the taking of this powerful medication
What Exactly is Zoloft?
In technical terms, Zoloft is Sertraline Hydrochloride. It is taken as a pill for people that need help with battling depression. In general, it is most typically used in pill form to help people battle social anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. Zoloft acts as a mechanism for the body to produce increased levels of serotonin in the brain.
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The Side Effects of Zoloft
Zoloft is approved by the FDA as a means of treating symptoms of depression as well as other mental disorders. However, recent studies have said that this drug can cause an increased risk of birth defects in the unborn children of mothers who were on the drug. This is especially the case when it is taken during the first three months of pregnancy. The effects of taking these pills during this time period can result in severe cardiovascular birth defects.
FDA Zoloft Advisory
On December 8, 2005, the Public Health Advisory released a statement, which reported that babies who were exposed to Zoloft during pregnancy had a higher chance of cardiac problems. The issues mainly involved atrial and ventricular septal abnormalities. These defects result in the incomplete development of the heart walls. According to two large-scale case studies involving control groups, the use of Zoloft in the first trimester placed the fetus at a six times greater risk of cardiac birth defects.
There is a lot of recent concern over the use of Zoloft, as well as other antidepressants like Paxil as a result of these alarming facts. The maker of the drug Paxil has had to pay out billions of dollars to settle lawsuits regarding the drug and perceived birth defects. Paxil, similar to Zoloft, has not taken the necessary steps to warn mothers that birth defects could be a side effect if the drug is taken during pregnancy.
Many families have been affected by Zoloft. You are not alone. If your baby or you have experienced side effects from this drug that you were not properly warned of, the Bernard Law Group immediately. Our qualified lawyers have the experience and understanding you need to get through this and to get the compensation you deserve.