Preventing a fatal car accident in the first place is a lot better than being in one. Auto accident victims face the possibility of serious injury, permanent disability, and disfigurement, as well as tremendous financial and emotional strain. Dealing with insurance companies and filling out mountains of paperwork is a hassle. Doing everything you can not to find yourself in this position just makes good sense. But how do you avoid a car accident? By driving safely.
Why Should I Be A Safe Driver?
When it comes to driving safely, however, many drivers think they know what they are doing. The reality is that they don’t. As they face difficult situations while behind the wheel, they end up finding themselves in tricky situations. In order to avoid being in a vulnerable position that will make you more likely to be in an auto accident in Seattle, read the following tips.
When Driving, Here Are Some Safety Points To Consider
1. Don’t Drive While Distracted
While driving, motorists of all ages should keep some basic safety points in mind. First and foremost, motorists must remain focused.
Keep your eyes and your focus are on the road. Do not talk on the cell phone, even if you have a hands-free device, do not use your phone to text, do not shave, and do not apply makeup while driving. Your hands need to be firmly planted on the wheel, and your attention must be on the road at all times. If you have passengers traveling along, make sure they are not distracting you either.
While driving, keep your eyes moving, Always notice what is happening on the sides of the roadway and check behind you through your rear- and side-view mirrors every 6 to 8 seconds.
You must be able to take evasive action as the need arises, or you might wind up being the one to cause am auto accident.
2. Keep Your Car In Top Shape
Before you drive, perform a simple safety check on your vehicle. Turn on the lights and walk around the car to ensure that all lights the bulbs are working properly. Test your blinkers, look for any telltale fluid leaks, and make sure your tires are properly inflated. If there are any issues, visit the dealership or a mechanic of your choice ASAP. If you receive open recall reports in the mail, have your vehicle fixed immediately.
3. Plan Ahead
If you’re always running late, you will always be tempted to speed. In order to avoid speed-related accidents, plan ahead. Give yourself enough time to arrive at your destination.
4. Obey Traffic Signs, Signals, And Rules
Respect speed limits, look both ways at an intersection before hitting the gas pedal after the light turns green. A majority of car accidents happen at intersections. When stopped, for either a sign or a light, take the time to spell S-T-O-P before proceeding into the intersection. That slight delay should give you enough to time to spot any problems before you move on. Pay strict attention to the other vehicles in the intersection. Just assume someone is going to run the sign or the light, and prepare accordingly.
Also, make sure to look left and right before crossing the street as a pedestrian.
When driving, leave enough room between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you. On average, you should remain three seconds apart from the car in front of you but if it is raining or the roads are slippery, double that amount.
When you underestimate the stopping distance necessary to avoid an accident, you put yourself in a vulnerable position.
In addition, always use turn signals. When drivers around you know where you’re going, they are less likely to crash into you.
5. Never Drink And Drive
Never drink and drive. Read all the instructions and warnings that accompany any medications you are taking, whether they be prescriptions or over-the-counter drugs. If the medicine warns of drowsiness, do not drive.
6. Buckle Up
Always use your seatbelt. Never start your car without getting buckled up first.
7. Check The Weather
Be extra careful in inclement weather such as rain or snow. Slow down in such situations. In severe weather conditions, avoid driving if at all possible.
8. Beware Of Blind Spots
Most drivers know about the dangers related to blind spots and yet, we are often guilty of overlooking the risks while behind the wheel.
Avoid “blind spots,” especially with large vehicles such as trucks or buses. Remember, if you cannot see the driver’s rear-view mirrors, they can’t see you. Also be aware of the fact that “big rigs” have a very wide turning radius and so make “big” right turns.
Oftentimes, motorcyclists can become “invisible” if they remain in your blind spot as well. Keeping an eye out for them will help prevent accidents.
9. If Possible, Stay Home
Unfortunately, officials in Washington State have seen an increase in speeding and distracted driving-related auto accidents. Even if you are a careful and mindful driver, others might not be. With careless driving on the rise, any safety expert would recommend that you drive less often if possible.
If you have been seriously injured in a car accident that was not your fault, please contact the skilled and knowledgeable attorneys at The Bernard Law Group for a free and comprehensive consultation.