Many people trust insurance companies to determine the fair value of their claim when they are injured in an accident. Sadly, however, the truth is that insurance companies have only one primary objective, maximizing their profits. Your insurer is not interested in making certain you receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.
Do I need a personal injury lawyer after an accident? There is no easy method to determine the value of any Injury claim. A variety of factors have to be considered, including:
- The circumstances of the accident.
- The facts contained in the police report and in witness statements.
- The extent of the injuries sustained.
- The degree of medical treatment required.
- The findings of objective testing.
- The quality of the medical reports issued by the attending doctors.
- The significance of any pre-existing conditions.
- The relevance of previous accidents or injuries.
- The existence of temporary or permanent restrictions.
- The limits of applicable insurance coverage.
- The extent of relevant property damage.
The best and most effective way to calculate the approximate value of any claim is to seek the advice and counsel of qualified attorneys like those associated with the Bernard Law Group. Our qualified legal professionals have settled or litigated a significant number of these cases and have a proven track record of success on behalf of our clients.
There is no obligation. We can help you immediately. All email and form submissions will be responded to by a qualified and knowledgeable member of our firm within 24 hours. Call our toll-free number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we promise to respond immediately.