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Kennewick Mechanic: Avoid Accidents With These Icy Weather Driving Tips

As Washington law enforcement continues to urge caution on the road due to the icy conditions, drivers should beware of the potential risks associated with driving vehicles that aren’t ready for the slippery roads. In order to help drivers better equip their cars before hitting the road, a local mechanic is offering some valuable tips.

Chains And Tires, Two Essential Players To Avoid Accidents This Winter

Speaking with local news outlets, a Kennewick mechanic urged drivers to be prepared for winter driving by first and foremost purchasing the proper type of chains and learning to install them. But in order to make that work on a cold, winter day, the seasoned mechanic said, drivers must also have the right pair of gloves. Before leaving the house, he added, practice putting on the chains while wearing your gloves in your driveway so you know what to do when the time comes.

“Definitely gloves will help a lot, definitely wanna try it a couple of times before you leave,” he said. 

Related: Navigating Mountain Passes This Holiday? Beware Of Tow Truck Driver Shortages

By following these steps provided by the Washington State Patrol, anyone can learn how to get the job done. 

Those who got winter traction tires installed, the mechanic said, inspecting the tires regularly to keep track of their wear and age is essential. While winter tires that are only used a couple of times each year might have great thread depth, they might eventually become cracked due to their age.

WSP Troopers: Speed Limit Means ‘Nothing’ On Icy Roads

Adding to what the local mechanic had to say about cold weather driving, troopers talking to local news outlets urged drivers to stay home if they don’t feel comfortable driving in the snow. 

When talking about the restrictions imposed by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) on what kind of vehicles are allowed at the mountain passes, Washington State Patrol (WSP) troopers told news outlets that officials are keeping an eye out to make sure vehicles that can’t make it won’t end up spinning out and blocking the roadways. 

When drivers fail to follow the rules, troopers said, plowers can’t get through. If plowers can’t get through, the snow won’t get cleared out. 

Drivers attempting to change lanes through the slush end up overcorrecting and spinning, a trooper explained. When the roads are icy, drivers must slow down. 

“The speed limit means nothing” in these situations, the trooper added. If drivers “are not comfortable driving in these conditions, don’t drive,” he added. 

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