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Driver Dead After Car Goes Off 1st Avenue Bridge In Seattle

A Tuesday afternoon accident in Seattle resulted in the death of the driver, several local news outlets have reported. Speed was allegedly a factor in the deadly crash. 

According to the Seattle Police Department (SPD), traffic footage of the tragic accident showed a car traveling at high rates of speed on the 1st Avenue South Bridge around 2:30 p.m. before going off the ramp and falling about 50 feet onto the street below at Michigan and Occidental. Before resting on its passenger side, the video shows the vehicle rolled over multiple times. 

Bystanders Rushed To The Accident Scene To Help

In the footage of the Seattle accident, multiple witnesses are seen rushing to the scene of the crash to help the driver. Despite their prompt response and Seattle Fire Department (SFD) arrived at the scene shortly after, the 50-year-old driver was declared dead at the scene. The crash happened in Seattle’s Georgetown neighborhood. 

No other vehicles or persons were involved. 

Washington State Patrol Confirms Speed Was A Factor In Deadly Seattle Crash

When discussing the accident with reporters, Washington State Patrol (WSP) officials stated that based on the information known to date, speed was the main factor of this incident. 

Currently, SPD officials are investigating the crash and should have more information available soon. 

Speed On The Rise In Washington

As we see in Seattle, the rates of tragic traffic accidents continue to rise. This has been a trend that has been associated with an increase in speeding since the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, as you can see in this report

At our personal injury law firm, we have helped countless victims of tragic accidents caused by speeding drivers. We know the pain and suffering the injured and their families go through as a result. 

We hope this story will remind Washington drivers they must follow state laws and respect speed limits at all times.

For more on this tragic accident, follow this link.

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