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Will Strict Regulations Kill the Self-Driving Tech?

Multiple consumers in several parts of the country have been more than excited for the reports concerning the self-driving cars. But as tech companies and automakers work on the fully autonomous technology, many in the industry become anxious, especially as the government fails to develop safety standards.

But according to recent reports, California’s Department of Motor Vehicles has just released a list of proposed rules that would reportedly limit the self-driving car industry considerably. To safety and tech experts, the state’s limitations would make it difficult for companies like Google to develop better, and even safer systems. Mostly because requirements proposed by the state could force companies to leave California altogether for other more technology and business-friendly states.

The state’s proposed rules would force companies to submit their self-driving vehicles to tests carried out by independent third parties. This step would secure the vehicle is safe by making sure that companies are not part of the testing process. But while this requirement sounds reasonable, experts are saying that other rules proposed by the Golden State aren’t.

According to the proposal, customers who purchase self-driving cars will be required to undergo training in order to understand how the technology works. The vehicles would also have to carry a data recorder, and all traffic violations would be the responsibility of the human driver. Manufacturers would also be required to pay a processing fee that could amount to anything from $33,000 to $50,000.

To many experts, some of the proposed rules would limit companies like Google. By making it difficult for companies to use the fully autonomous features without forcing a human driver to be always present and alert, innovation may be stifled.

To Google’s director of the tech giant’s self-driving project, the proposed regulation would fall short on allowing any enterprise interested in developing the technology to reach their full potential. That could make the self-driving vehicles less safe.

If companies developing the technology aren’t able to use California roads to test the fully autonomous technology, the system will be limited and tech giants will start looking elsewhere for a better place to set up shop.

For consumers who are eager to be part of this technological revolution, the limitations are also concerning. After all, their access to the system that could put an end to human error in order to make sure the ride is 100 percent safe may be limited if these proposed rules become regulations.

In an official statement, Google reported that it will continue to work with regulators, but that its engineers and executives are simply disappointed.

For more on the technology and how companies like Google expect to address this issue, follow this link to read the full article.

For more on the Google car project, watch this video:

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