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In Washington State, Speeding Is Both Deadly And Costly

Law enforcement in Washington state is the first among U.S. states to automatically consider speeding reckless driving. As such, it is also a state where drivers pay a heavy price for making poor decisions while behind the wheel.

According to WalletHub, Washington is the seventh in the country in average cost increase of auto insurance after a speed-related ticket. It’s also the tenth for minimum jail time over a first reckless-driving offense. And second for maximum fine for a second reckless-driving offense.

Perhaps due the fact Washington law enforcement agencies are so tough, the number of speed-related fatal traffic accidents has decreased in certain counties. That’s evident in Whatcom County, where speed was associated with only 19 deadly crashes in 2017. A sharp decline from 2007, when speed was linked to 39 fatal and serious crashes.

Speeding And The Law: In WA, Reckless Driving Is Costly

Drivers aren’t always aware of the legal consequences of their actions. To speed, many might think, is serious and leads to deadly accidents. But what would happen if you were caught speeding before an accident happens?

When a driver gets a citation for speeding, he or she will have to pay fines that start at $105 and that rise to $423. But a first-time reckless driving conviction could result in jail time and a $5,000 fine.

In addition, insurance rates rise an average 18.53 percent in the state after just one speeding ticket.

Still, a speed-related ticket won’t always carry a charge of reckless driving. Unless, of course, the driver speeds in residential areas. That’s when officers will really throw the book at the driver.

As you can see, going too fast can cause real damage to your bank account, it it doesn’t cause you to crash first. Avoiding accidents also means never speeding.

For more on how speeding can impact your insurance rates, follow this link.

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