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Seattle Resident’s Video Shows Cars Crashing On Same Offramp

A Seattle man filmed a series of accidents that took place on the same offramp and posted the footage online. Now, the video has gone viral. 

According to local news outlets, the Seattle resident noticed that several drivers would go too fast and end up crashing against the wall and street corner near an I-5 southbound off-ramp. Worried that the growing number of collisions could put the lives of pedestrians and innocent drivers at risk, he decided to make the compilation video. 

Now, many are using the footage to remind drivers to pay attention to road signages.

Seattle Officials Add New Signs Telling Drivers To Slow Down, Are They Paying Attention?

Before this concerned resident decided to make a compilation video showing how often drivers ignore the risks, both the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) recognized the area presented serious problems to drivers. 

In order to help prevent crashes, they added additional signage to alert motorists of the 20-mile an hour exit. Now, drivers are met with a warning sign before the exit point (Exit 165B), a second sign telling drivers to slow down to 20 mph, and a third sign alerting motorists that an intersection (with traffic lights) is up ahead. In spite of all these warnings, drivers continue to crash, mainly because drivers who continue to go at 60 to 70 miles per hour are often caught by surprise as the road curves. 

Videomaker: More Needs To Be Done To Prevent Accidents

When talking to news outlets, the resident behind the video compilation said the signs do little to prevent crashes. 

“It’s more like a turn, they don’t see it until it’s too late,” he said. “They’ll see a 20-mile an hour exit sign. That doesn’t mean anything.”

In order to boost safety, he added, officials should add features such as rumble strips.

“Divots … that make your tire make noise,” he explained. “It would wake somebody up, it would get their attention, and get them to slow down.”

We hope officials are able to address these concerns, helping to boost road safety and ensure drivers are paying attention to road signs. 

For more on this story, follow this link

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