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Drivers Not Wearing Their Seat Belts To Face Greater Scrutiny

Seat belts save lives. And not using them is against the law. That’s why law enforcement in Washington state are on the lookout for drivers and passengers breaking the law.

Between May 14 and June 3, police will be carrying out the “Click It or Ticket” campaign across the state. The goal is to look for drivers and passengers who are not buckling up. Because Memorial Day weekend is one of the busiest travel seasons, officials are concerned about Washingtonians’ safety.

The Washington Traffic Safety Commission says that 95 percent of WA drivers and passengers buckle up. That leaves out about five percent who are not wearing their seat belts. While it seems like a low number, it’s still higher than the ideal.

As drivers and passengers, we must strive to put safety first. And seat belts are designed to minimize the risks associated with accidents. As a matter of fact, many deadly injuries can be prevented by seat belt use.

During the coming weeks, more than 150 law enforcement agencies across the state will be emphasizing the importance of seat belt use. Additionally, the Washington State Patrol will be focusing on proper child car safety seat use.

Unfortunately, most parents misuse or fail to install child restraints properly. Washington law enforcement will be targeting drivers who are not buckling up and who are not properly restraining their children.

Seat Belt Laws Helped Save Lives

In 1986, when Washington lawmakers passed a secondary seat belt law, the safety feature was used by only 36 percent of the state. By 2002, the rate was 82 percent. With the passage of a primary law then, 92 percent of Washingtonians buckled up the following year.  Thanks to these efforts, the rate of unrestrained deaths decreased from 64 percent of all fatal traffic accidents to only 18 percent.

As you can see, following the laws can save lives. And seat belt use is both a requirement and a necessity.

We urge you and your loved ones to buckle up through all this Memorial Day weekend season.

Click here for more on information regarding the “Click It or Ticket” campaign.

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