Pokemon Go players continue to be exposed to serious risks as they allow distractions tied to the game to take over.
In order to help individuals avoid the risks and stay safe while playing their game, many safety advocates are putting together a list of safety tips that could help players avoid some of the mistakes others have already made.
Since the game encourages users to explore their environment while using the system’s augmented reality technology, players are often exposed to risks associated with the real world environment they are exploring.
Many players have been the victims of pedestrian versus auto crashes, while others have experienced other types of incidents involving property trespassing and other problems. But as individuals take their game to their vehicle, things become even more complicated.
If you’re not paying attention to your surroundings while playing this game, chances are that you will be exposed to risks that could easily lead to major, and potentially deadly accidents.
To safety advocates, it’s important that Pokemon Go players are made aware that operating a vehicle, whether it’s a bicycle, a motorcycle, or a car, should be your top priority at the moment. Using a phone to do anything while operating a vehicle will increase the risk of distracted driving—or riding—accidents.
While looking at your screen, experts urge Pokemon Go players, avoid walking around while looking down. Remain in place until you’re able to see what is coming ahead.
Also, if you’re playing the game, do not use earbuds. For pedestrians, whether they are Pokemon GO players or not, the use of earbuds while crossing the street makes accidents more likely to happen simply because they may not hear cars coming.
Safety advocates have also been urging Pokemon Go players to stay alert to the potential risks associated with playing the game at night. If you absolutely have to go out at night to play this game, make sure you stay in well-lit and populated areas. In the dark, it’s hard to see what awaits you.
For more tips on how to stay safe while playing Pokemon Go, follow this link.