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Off-Duty Officer Responsible for Deadly DWI Crash

A tragic DWI crash reported in New York has been allegedly caused by an off-duty officer. The story is now being shared far and wide by social media users.

The crash led to the suspension of the off-duty officer involved.

According to a series of news reports, the 28-year-old intoxicated driver was behind the wheel of his SUV on Bedford Avenue when he lost control of his car. The SUV mounted the sidewalk and ended up striking four pedestrians as a result. At least one person died as a result.

Now, authorities are charging the off-duty officer. If found guilty, he could remain in jail for manslaughter, vehicular manslaughter, and driving while intoxicated.

The crash victims were all in their 20s. They were two women and two men. While one of the victims was killed, at least a second one was seriously injured.

Witnesses say the vehicle was spotted zigzagging moments before the crash. At least two witnesses said that the crash scene was the scariest thing they had ever seen.

Driving while intoxicated is still one of the most common factors behind auto accidents, and unfortunately, it’s a factor that often victimizes innocent bystanders.

Drivers who respect life and safety should always keep in mind that driving a vehicle requires responsibility. If you do not put safety first and you act irresponsibly, the results may be deadly.

Hopefully, others in New York and in our beautiful state will learn about his tragic crash in order to avoid the same mistakes this driver committed.

If you’re a driver, stay alert and avoid putting yourself and others in danger by staying focused and sober, at all times. Also, avoid distractions.

Much like intoxicated drivers, distracted drivers are involved in accidents because their response time is delayed. Instead of focusing on the road and being able to react promptly to an emergency, distracted drivers fail to act timely and crashes ensue.

For more on this story, follow this link.

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