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Motorcyclist Killed In Accident, Speed Was A Factor

We continue to learn about tragic motorcycle accidents in Washington that should have never happened in the first place. While it’s tragic to learn about these collisions and the conditions that allowed these accidents to take place, we usually report on these accidents precisely because we hope that others are learning about them from us and thus, they will be able to avoid similar collisions.

The latest deadly motorcycle accident to have happened in Washington involved a male motorcycle rider. He was traveling on Admiralty Way when he crushed at the intersection of 121st Street SW in Everett.

Officials who responded to the scene of the crash said that speed may have been a factor in this crash, although no other details regarding this accident were revealed. The accident is still under investigation.

The rider was declared dead at the scene of the crash.

Our deepest condolences go out to the rider’s family and friends. We know how difficult this time can be for the families of crash victims. We hope they are obtaining all the help and support they need in this time of grief.

To those who are reading this article, remember that while we’re not entirely sure what are all the factors that led to this collision, we must remember that speeding while attempting to negotiate certain curves and other difficult road bits may lead to similar accidents.

We hope riders who are serious about their safety are doing all they can to avoid similar incidents. We also hope passenger car drivers are not forgetting that riders are vulnerable and that they may often occupy your blind spot, so making sure you’re in the clear before changing lanes can help save lives.

In order to avoid collisions with passenger vehicles, riders must ride defensively at all times.

For more on this accident, follow this link for the full report. Visit our blog regularly for more reports on accidents or other issues that could expose drivers to risks.

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