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House Candidate Injured In Accident, Driver Was Allegedly Under The Influence

Local news outlets reported that a Tuesday car accident sent April Berg, a candidate for the state Legislature, to the hospital. The car accident involved a man who may have been driving under the influence. 

According to the reports, Berg and her husband were in a 2016 Nissan while traveling east on Highway 96 when a 1992 Nissan driving west crossed over the centerline, crashing into Berg’s car head-on.

Both Berg and her husband were transported to the hospital. 

The 23-year-old driver behind the wheel of the 1992 Nissan and his passenger were also injured. He is now under investigation for driving under the influence.

On social media, Berg said she had suffered back injuries and that she was “determined to have a swift recovery.” 

In a statement to The Daily Herald, the candidate explained that she and her husband were on their way to Snohomish when “a car veered into our lane and struck us head on.” 

“While we escaped with injuries that will heal in time,” she added, “I am being held in the hospital for a couple days for treatment and observation.”

Driving Under the Influence Still a Problem in Washington

Drunk and impaired driving increases the risk of auto accidents because drivers who are under the influence are three times more likely to lose control of their vehicle and crash.

According to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, 50% of all roadway fatalities in the state are caused by impaired driving. And the deadliest time of the year when it comes to traffic accidents is summer, as 149 people die every day on average between July and September. 

In Washington, DUI laws apply to alcohol, prescription and illegal drugs, over-the-counter medications, and marijuana. Drivers must beware of the risks and know that they will be breaking the law if they choose to get behind the wheel while impaired. 

We are saddened to learn that Berg was injured in a suspected DUI accident and hope she makes a full and speedy recovery. 

For more on this accident, follow this link

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