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Having a Super Bowl Watch Party? Follow Food Safety Tips

Food safety is an important subject all year long. But when it comes to celebrations, whether it’s a holiday or a football game, many of us ignore the advice offered by food safety experts. But if you want your family safe throughout the year, following important food safety practices is essential.

The Super Bowl is the most-watched television program in the country. As Washingtonians get ready to enjoy the game, they also rush to get their Super Bowl snacks. But when it comes to hosting a Super Bowl watching party and doing so safely, many will fail. As a result, friends or family members who come over will end up falling ill.

In order to avoid health-related issues tied to contaminated or poorly prepared snacks and other Super Bowl foods, consumers are being urged to follow certain steps that will help them to avoid contamination.

The first thing consumers must do is to keep in mind that perishable foods should not be kept at room temperature for more than two hours. During half time, have the items switched to keep the same food from sitting outside the fridge for too long.

Food items that are supposed to be eaten while hot should stay hot while cold foods must stay cold. When food items are kept under temperatures ranging between 40°F and 140°F, bacteria multiplies rapidly. Keeping your food at the right temperature can help you to avoid illnesses by keeping bacteria from growing.
When preparing raw beef, lamb, veal, or pork, make sure the product is cooked to 145°F. Ground beef, pork, lamb, and veal should be cooked to 160°F and poultry must be cooked to 165°F.
If you think you can finish your cooking by simply checking the color and texture of meat or poultry, remember that the only way to know the food item is cooked thoroughly is if you’re using a thermometer.

When chopping produce, remember to sanitize the utensils you’re using during the preparation period. Many organisms like Salmonella will spread to fresh produce during the preparation. Cross-contamination is a serious risk and you shouldn’t ignore it.

Before starting to prepare your Super Bowl snacks, make sure your hands are washed thoroughly. Also, wash your hands every time you handle raw meat or poultry.

If you’re serious about food safety and you want this Super Bowl to go as smoothly and fun as possible, follow these food safety tips and enjoy the football game.

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