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Four Safety Tips to Childproof Your Home for the Holidays

When it comes to the holidays, many of us end up wondering whether there’s something that was left unaddressed before family members and friends arrived.

If you’re hosting friends and loved ones for Christmas and they happen to have children, making your house childproof could help to keep the holiday safe and fun for everyone.

Here are four easy safety tips you should take to childproof your house and make sure everyone is enjoying a safe Christmas at your place.

1-Make Sure TV Tip-Overs Won’t Happen

Securing a TV set could help to avoid serious if not deadly Christmas accidents. According to experts, the number of TV tip-over accidents continues to increase over time. In order to avoid an accident in your home, make sure your TV is anchored to the wall or adequately secured. Curious children, especially small children, will reach out for the television and, if not secured, they may end flipping over, causing them to fall.

Teaching children about the hazard could help, but limiting play in rooms with TVs could also help. Avoid leaving televisions on pieces of furniture that are closer to the ground or that may have drawers such as dressers. Also, avoid placing toys on top of your TV.

2-Keep Laundry Detergents Pods Locked Away

Many children find it fun-looking. The bright colors and small, easy to handle laundry detergent pods are pre-measured, single-use laundry detergent packets that may seem like candy to the little ones. In the United States, there were over 17,000 poison center calls involving children who accidentally swallowed a laundry detergent pod between 2012 and 2014. These products will cause a series of symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, choking, breathing difficulties, coughing, stomach pain, and decreased consciousness. Since the incident may also lead to death, you should make sure that any laundry detergent pod you have in your home is safely stored out of reach and sight of children during the holidays.

3-Keep Cosmetics, Medications Out of Reach

Oftentimes, bathrooms are the most dangerous places for young children. Making sure that your storage of medications, cosmetics, and cleaning supplies is safely locked or out of reach of children could help make this a safer Christmas.

Before receiving your guests this holiday, make sure that dangerous items are stored out of reach of children.

4-Keep Strong Magnets Locked Away

Toys sometimes are fitted with magnets that when consumed may expose the child to a serious internal injury risks.

To avoid potential risks, scan your home for toys or other devices that may contain small, easy to swallow magnets. If any is found, make sure to store it away or out of reach of visiting children until they are gone.

If you’re curious to know more tips on how to childproof your home this holiday season, follow this link to read the full article.

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