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WSP Calls Increase In DUI, Distracted Driving Crashes ‘Alarming Trend’

We have noticed that the number of DUI and distraction-related accidents appears to be going up in the state of Washington. This does not please us as we know the potentially serious and deadly consequences of these types of accidents. And precisely because we are concerned with the increased number of accidents associated with distraction and intoxication that we often report on them.

According to the Washington State Patrol, there’s an alarming trend forming in Washington.

In the past four months, at least 13 WSP troopers have been hit by distracted or drunken, intoxicated drivers. And while we understand that being an officer is tough profession due to the potential hazards, we also understand that this high number in such a short period of time is troubling.

The last one of these crashes happened on Wednesday, when a potential drunk driver hit two, not one, police cars. Thankfully, troopers weren’t injured in this accident. But in many others, troopers were injured.

At least half of the 13 cases involved drivers who were impaired while the other half were distracted.

The WSP is reporting on this in order to urge drivers in Seattle and surrounding areas to be alert, to never drive while intoxicated, and to move over when a first responder or WSP or police car has its siren and emergency lights on.

Safety should be a priority not only to troopers but also to all drivers. When you put safety first, you show you’re a responsible driver. Otherwise, you do not only put your own life in risk. You also put others in danger.

If you agree with the WSP troopers and you think it’s time we stop putting people’s lives in danger unnecessarily, talk to your friends and loved ones about the dangers of distracted and DUI-driving.Help to remind them that both are illegal in the state and both will lead to serious and potentially deadly accidents.

For more on this story and how this epidemic is concerning troopers, follow this link.

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