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Drowsy Driving: Truck Carrying Human Waste Crashes Near Sammamish

Drowsy driving is dangerous and potentially deadly. And according to recent reports, a truck driver was just involved in a crash because of it. While this accident didn’t result in serious injuries, it did cause a somewhat tricky situation for commuters as human waste was scattered all across the road.

According to officials, the Washington State Department of Transportation had to shut down all eastbound lanes before noon on Sunday. The accident on Interstate 90 happened near Sammamish and it caused a 4-mile backup. Officials say the driver fell asleep behind the wheel prior to the crash. And that while he suffered injuries, they were minor.

During the period the road remained closed, officials said, traffic got by on a shoulder lane. Needless to say, a lot of people got to their destination much later than they were hoping for.

Avoid Drowsy Driving By Following These Tips

When driving long distances, avoid drowsy driving by planning ahead. Make sure you know where you can stop on your way to get some rest if needed. And do not ignore signs that you’re becoming too tired to continue. If that’s the case, pull over to a safe spot to nap if necessary.

You may also have a second driver ready to take over once you’re tired.

If you’re a truck driver, make sure you’re taking into consideration the that you need plenty of rest before trips. And follow the rules so that you are also having the breaks you require to stay rested.

Drowsy driving is dangerous because it makes the driver incapable of responding to emergencies when they arise. Oftentimes, the drowsy driver will allow the driver to veer off the road, crashing as a result.

Drinking plenty of coffee is not enough to make sure you’re not going to crash. But planning ahead and having a good idea of how to deal with potential drowsiness is.

For more on this accident and how officials handled the mess, follow this link.

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