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Drivers, Beware: ‘Tis The Season For Drunk Driving Accidents

You know what time of the year it is: the Holiday season. But do you know what happens during the “happiest season of all?” The rates of car accidents shoot up.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, alcohol consumption increases during this time of year. And, as a result,  so does drinking and driving. Unfortunately, many drivers who go out to celebrate the season with friends and loved ones still believe they are above the law. Others believe they’re invincible, and that they will never crash. The reality is that neither is the case.

What many know as “Blackout Wednesday,” the day just before Thanksgiving, is the official beginning of the holiday season that extends through New Year’s Day. Authorities report that drunk driving is to blame for 40 percent of highway traffic fatalities during the holidays. Drinking and driving is only to blame for 28 percent of all fatal accidents during the rest of the year.

In addition to the period’s high rates of DUI-related deaths, authorities claim that the largest spike in traffic-related deaths happens during New Year’s Eve, and that 58 percent of the deaths are alcohol-related.

But how do we avoid these types of accidents when the number of Americans hitting the road during the holiday season only continues to grow?

Avoid DUI Accidents This Holiday Season

With Americans planning their vacation and family trips, they must remember: This time of year exposes them to greater risks. Considering that should play an important role.

If you have a history of drinking more than your share during the holiday festivities, make sure this isn’t the case this time by either sticking to a non-alcoholic beverage or discussing this matter with friends or loved ones, so they can help you avoid drinking and driving.

In addition, you may plan ahead and either make yourself the designated driver or make sure you have someone available to be the designated driver.

Whatever you choose to do, do so by putting your focus on being safe at all times. After all, drinking and driving could lead to accidents that will no only hurt you but others as well.

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