Washington’s new distracted driving law has caused a great deal of confusion to many drivers across the Evergreen state. As a result, the Washington State Patrol decided to do all in their power to make sure that drivers know exactly what to expect so they are not surprised if they are pulled over.
Some of the most common misconceptions is that drivers cannot drink or eat while behind the wheel thanks to the new law.
While distractions may include the action of drinking and eating, Washington’s new distracted driving law does not keep you from drinking your coffee or taking a bite out of that burger.
While by themselves, those actions won’t prompt an official to pull you over, WSP troopers tell reporters, drivers who are not minding the speed limit, observing the traffic laws, or driving safely will end up being involved in collisions or infractions. As a result, the officer may get a ticket if it’s discovered you were involved in an incident because you were drinking, eating, performing personal grooming activities, or holding your dog in your lap while driving.
Both the WSP and the State Traffic Safety Commission took some time to explain Washingtonians more about the new law recently and according to them, misinformation has been spread like wild fire, leading people to think that by simply drinking their morning coffee while behind the wheel they would be subject do being pulled over and ticketed.
What is in the law, however, is that driving “under the influence of electronics,” also known as DUI-E, is a primary offense. It includes holding and operating your phone while behind the wheel, as well as other electronic devices. If the officer catches you doing just that, he or she may pull you over.
Hopefully, this alert will help you to know just what to expect now that the laws have changed in the state.
For more on misconceptions associated with the state’s new distracted driving law, follow this link.