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Before Hitting the Road This Halloween, Follow These Safety Tips

When it comes to Halloween, many of us think of fun walking around the neighborhood with the kids, having fun with the costumes, and making sure that nobody has a sugar overdose.

But having fun on Halloween has a lot more to do with being safe and teaching your children to be safe as well.

In order to help parents keep their children safe during the Halloween festivities, local police departments across the country are urging parents to follow some important safety steps.

First, parents should take a look at the costumes their children want to wear to ensure that their props are not dangerous. To those who will be holding swords or other accessories mimicking weapons while having fun on Halloween, make sure the items are short, soft, and flexible.

Whenever organizing a trick-or-treat walk, make sure you do so with a large number of people. If your children are going to walk the neighborhood streets on their own, make sure the group has at least one adult supervising the younger ones.

Make sure your child has reflective tape on his or her costume so drivers are able to see them at night. Also, do not allow your child to eat any of the candy until you are able to examine all of the treats for choking hazards and tampering.

Have a flashlight with you and make sure everyone in the group knows they must walk, not run, while going from house to house.

Parents should also be made aware of the potential risks tied to traffic accidents while trick or treating, meaning that, unless there isn’t a sidewalk available, kids should always walk on the sidewalk. In spots where sidewalks aren’t available, make sure to walk on the far edge of the road facing traffic so you can see where you’re going.

If knocking on doors, make sure your kids always have an adult supervising the group. Before crossing the streets, look both ways and make sure your children know to look both ways. Because many kids go trick or treating late at night, many drivers fail to see them. Crossing at crosswalks or intersections makes drivers more likely stop.

In order to make sure this year’s Halloween is a safe — and not a spooky one — follow these safety tips and stay aware of your surroundings.

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