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As It Gets Warmer, More Motorcycles Hit The Road

Motorcycle riders are much more vulnerable under certain circumstances. And that’s why riders are often involved in accidents.

In order to help ensure riders and drivers are all safe in the Evergreen state, the Washington State Patrol is urging drivers to keep in mind that as the weather becomes warmer, motorcycle traffic will become more intense on state highways.

While motorcycles account for only four percent of all registered vehicles in Washington, at least 15 percent of all traffic fatalities in the state involve motorcycle riders. This is an incredible figure, and one that forces us to think about the dangers riders face daily.

Also according to official statistics, about 75 percent of fatal motorcycle collisions in Washington involves motorcycle riders who failed to complete a motorcycle training program. But what many don’t know is that approved motorcycle rider training can be found at as series of locations across the state, making it easy for anyone willing to be a safe rider to take a step in the right direction.

Washington riders who are also concerned about their safety should not forget that in most fatal motorcycle accidents, speed is a factor. That’s because speed makes riders less likely to maintain control on the vehicle while attempting to negotiate more dangerous portions of the road. Speed also makes it more difficult for riders to avoid collisions in case there’s an emergency and they must react promptly.

Other factors that were often associated with deadly motorcycle accidents include driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which accounted for 57 percent of riders involved in fatal collisions.

In order to make sure that riders are not exposing themselves to dangers, the WSP is asking them to take important measures to avoid collisions, learning how to ride defensively and safely.

But drivers should also be alert. As more motorcycles hit the road, drivers will be more likely to be involved in accidents involving riders simply because they may not be as easy to spot. Beware whenever you change lanes and make sure you’re 100 percent sure riders are not occupying your blind spot. Only then you will be able to change lanes.

For more on what the WSP thinks you should do as a rider or driver to avoid accidents as the weather becomes warmer, follow this link.

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