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WSP: 16 Accidents, 2 Fatal, Reported In Tri-Cities Region On Monday

The Washington State Patrol (WSP) registered 16 separate traffic accidents on Monday in the Tri-Cities region alone. At least two of the 16 crashes resulted in fatalities. 

According to the WSP’s initial investigation, the top three factors behind the Tri-Cities’ accidents were distracted driving, speeding, and following too closely. 

One of the deadly accidents claimed the life of a 65-year-old man from Kennewick. According to WSP troopers, the victim was involved in a rollover crash on State Route 240 Monday afternoon that also left others injured. 

The second deadly Monday accident happened in the evening and it involved a 35-year-old woman who died following another rollover crash on I-82 near the Oregon border. The victim was not wearing her seatbelt at the time of the collision. 

Officials worry that as the weather becomes colder and roads become more slippery, we will end up seeing a greater number of similar accidents. 

Rain And Speed Don’t Mix: Avoid Accidents On Washington Roads

While the three main factors behind most of the 16 accidents reported on Monday in the Tri-Cities region are distraction, speed, and following too closely, officials added that the rain in the region made roads much more slippery than usual. When weather conditions expose drivers to slick roads, drivers must act accordingly and slow down. That is why Washington state officials are urging drivers to get ready for winter driving now, before they are caught in a snowstorm. 

Additionally, distraction can be a serious problem for drivers during and after a rainfall. 

Both distracted driving and speeding can make it harder for drivers to stop if traffic slows down ahead of them. As a result, both issues increase the likelihood of accidents. 

In Washington State, both distracted driving and going above the speed limit are against the law. Drivers who fail to follow traffic rules aren’t just breaking the law, they are also putting lives in danger. 

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