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WA Lawmakers Hope to Toughen Distracted Driving Laws

Every now and then, we learn of an auto accident or motorcycle crash that could have been prevented. While we work hard to ensure we cover many of these instances, we’re not always on top of each crash report. Nevertheless, we do our best to urge our readers to be safe while driving. Safer than ever, as a matter of fact. As it turns out, others think like us, and are hoping to use their power within the state legislature to help put an end to certain activities that may lead to serious, potentially deadly results.

According to a series of news reports, state lawmakers are attempting to toughen the state’s decade-old distracted driving rules. If successful, all use of handheld devices behind the wheel would be abolished.

At the moment, reports show, the bill is being drafted. Currently, however, holding a phone to your ear or texting using a cell phone is illegal in Washington. If the bill now being drafted is considered, other activities such as using a phone to use social media, for instance, will also be added to the list of banned activities.

The bill would also seek increased fines for drivers using handheld devices while behind the wheel. The citations would also be reported to insurance companies, which would ultimately cause the driver to spend more money on car insurance over time.

This bill is important because the risks associated with distracted driving have been claiming victims across the Evergreen state. In 2014, 130 people died in distracted driving crashes across the state, while in 2015, this number jumped to 171. If you’re a driver and you use your phone regularly while behind the wheel, pay attention to this new bill. If passed, drivers may have a hard time getting away with this type of activity.

Hopefully, drivers in Washington will continue to focus on their driving and on the road to avoid accidents. And hopefully, the passage of this bill will be symbolic, meaning that drivers will become more aware and preoccupied with their safety. But if that doesn’t happen, we hope that the new law serves as a reminder to always put safety first.

For more on this story, follow this link.

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