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Hoquiam Man Injured In Bicycle Vs Vehicle Accident

A bicycle accident in Hoquiam sent the cyclist to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, Washington officials reported. 

Bicycle Accident Attorney

According to the reports, the driver was approaching Lincoln Street slowly while on Washington Ave to check on the approaching traffic when the bicyclist appeared from the driver’s left, striking the front of his vehicle. 

The motorist told authorities the bicycle rider was going “at a fast rate.”

According to the authorities, the bicyclist did not have the required headlight and rear red light on his bicycle while riding in the dark. Furthermore, officials said, the rider was not wearing a bike helmet. 

In Hoquiam, helmets are a requirement only for children under the age of 18. However, Washington state law states that bicycle riders must have a lamp on the front as well as a “red reflector on the rear of a type approved by the state patrol.” 

“A lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear may be used in addition to the red reflector,” state law RCW 46.61.780 adds. Unfortunately, the rider was not following state laws. 

Due to the collision, authorities said, the vehicle was damaged. The driver was not harmed and no other vehicles were involved.

Bicycle Rider Suffered Injuries Due To Crash, Officials Said

The rider was on the pavement and was being assisted by the driver when officials arrived at the scene. The 45-year-old man from Hoquiam suffered visible injuries and was treated at the scene by paramedics before he was transported to Grays Harbor Community Hospital. 

Hopefully, he makes a full recovery from his injuries. 

As personal injury attorneys, we have helped countless victims of similar bicycle accidents. 

What we have seen over the years is that bicycle helmets can drastically reduce the likelihood of a traumatic head injury in a bicycle crash. In many cases, wearing a helmet can even save your life. 

We hope this accident serves as a reminder to Washington bicycle riders that they should always follow state law, and that while a helmet might not be required in their jurisdiction for their age group, it is an important safety feature.

For more on this accident, follow this link.

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