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WSP: Clark County Pedestrian Accident Turns Out Deadly

The Washington State Patrol reports that a pedestrian involved in a Clark County accident died. The tragic collision happened late Monday.

The pedestrian was trying to cross State Route 14 shortly before midnight. But a 54-year-old driver from Washougal was driving east at the same time. The driver ended up hitting the pedestrian.

The 53-year-old was killed. The driver’s car was totaled but he wasn’t injured.

No charges have been pressed against the motorist. Officials say that the accident is still under investigation.

While we do not know what factors led to this accident, we hope this accident teaches pedestrians and drivers a valuable lesson.

We Must Do More To Prevent Pedestrian Accidents

A carcass does not protect pedestrians. The same happens with bicycle riders. In an accident with a passenger or larger vehicle, vulnerable pedestrians are likely to suffer greatly.

Unfortunately, many drivers and people on foot seem to ignore the risks.

While most of these accidents are caused by drivers, many pedestrians put themselves in danger. That occurs because they fail to cross at a crosswalk or intersection. Or because they do not look both directions to ensure the road is clear before trying to cross.

Sometimes, pedestrians simply do not make eye contact with drivers. That keeps them from learning whether he was seen or not. While others happen because pedestrians had their headphones on.

Being able to hear what is going on around you and being able to make eye contact with the driver could save your life. As personal injury attorneys, we have seen countless cases of pedestrian v. car accidents that could have been prevented.

In Washington state, there has been an increase in accident rates recently. So we hope you as a driver or pedestrian are doing all in your power stay safe.

For more information on this tragic pedestrian accident, follow this link.

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