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After Luke Perry’s Death, Experts Urge You To Learn More About Strokes

The news regarding the death of actor Luke Perry served as a reminder that strokes can affect anyone at any age. He was just 52-years-old at the time of his death.

To help people everywhere be aware of the risk factors and signs of a stroke, the American Heart Association is reminding all of us that there are certain factors we should be on the lookout if we want to try to prevent strokes. There are also certain signs that you might be suffering from a stroke that should not be ignored.

According to experts at the American Heart Association, stroke is the second leading cause of death around the world. One of the most common factors behind strokes are high blood pressure. As a matter of fact, experts say high blood pressure is the leading cause of strokes.

Other high-risk factors include smoking, high blood cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and other cardiovascular diseases.

In order to help lower the risk of a stroke, experts urge individuals to get about 150 minutes of activity every week and change their diets. Especially if they are consuming a lot of trans fat.

These Symptoms Help Identify Strokes

In order to help people who may suffer a stroke, the American Heart Association recommends the use of the F.A.S.T. acronym.

F, the organization says, stands for Face. One of the first signs is that the victim’s face drops. A stands for Arms. According to experts, the victim’s arms then feel weak. S stands for speech, and it reminds potential victims that their speech becomes difficult. Once these signs are all clear, then the association says it’s time to call 911, hence the T in the acronym.

While this is a good way to go about remembering the signs, there’s more to a stroke than what the acronym explains.

According to physicians, victims may experience confusion, as he or she may not be able to understand what others are telling them. They may also have difficulty expressing what they are feeling.

Victims may also experience difficulties seeing out of one or both eyes. They could also experience dizziness and difficulty walking and keeping their balance. In addition, the victim suffering a stroke may experience severe headaches and numbness in the face, arm, or leg. That usually happens with only one side of the body.

If you or a loved one experiences some, any, or all of these symptoms, call for help.

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