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#iPinkySwear Campaign Targets Distracted Driving

Accidents linked to distracted driving continue to occur, but as lives are lost, loved ones and survivors use their stories to inspire others to be more alert.

A particular story coming from Canada is showing the public just how vulnerable motorcycle riders are when it comes to distracted driving accidents. Media sources covering this story claim that an SUV driver allowed her vehicle to crash into a motorcycle rider on the very same day the local province had implemented tough distracted driving laws. According to the rider, the vehicle started to cross the yellow line moments before the accident. As she attempted to move over quick enough to avoid collision, the driver failed to move back in time.

The rider, a woman known for riding a pink Harley Davidson, ended up suffering major injuries as after she was thrown from her motorcycle. So far, she has had five surgeries on her crushed foot and leg. The rider is expected to undergo a series of new surgeries, and according to the reports, she could also lose her leg.

Now, the rider wants to use her experience to teach others in Canada about the risks associated with distracted driving.

With the hashtag #iPinkySwear, the rider wants drivers to pledge to stop distracted driving by putting their phones down and their hands on the wheel.

Tens of thousands of people on social media are going along with the campaign, making it one of the most popular anti-distracted driving campaigns online.

The rider will require a long time to recover now that she has a steel rod from her knee to her ankle and several plates in her foot. The accident caused the woman to lose her left heal, prompting doctors to use skin grafts from her hip to make sure the damaged is repaired.

It could take up to eight months for her to be able to take a step with her damaged foot again.

With her story, the rider is now joining the Prevent Alcohol and Related Traumas in Youth group to teach teens about the importance of understanding that their actions have consequences. Drinking and driving is just as dangerous as distracted driving, and both happen frequently among teen drivers.

To many experts, driving while distracted is starting to become more frequent than intoxicated driving.

In the United States, most states have enacted distracted driving laws. In states without proper legislation in place, municipalities and local officials are passing their own rules. But drivers continue to use their phones while behind the wheel, even when they know the behavior could be deadly.

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